Houston, we have a choice
More opportunities to enjoy the outdoors, to connect with nature and fellow Houstonians? Or more concrete lanes, blight, and pollution?
We can have the centerpiece park that a world-class city deserves. Don’t let TxDOT take it away!
Supported By

A Community Asset
A place to run, to play, to gather together—parks are vital to the value of our community.

An Environmental Defender
The White Oak Bayou Greenway contains nature preserves that provide habitat to our iconic wildlife.

A Better Houston
The conservation of our natural resources is a cornerstone of Plan Houston, adopted by the city in 2015.
The Future is more concrete?

The TxDOT Plan
- will decrease Houstonians’ quality of life,
- will remove natural areas and wildlife,
- is a waste of money.
Act now before it’s lost!
TxDOT’s plan will replace your park land with lanes of freeway overpasses. Act now before your park land is gone!